Wednesday 11 November 2009

Stardoll Going Bad

I'm sure you have all noticed the changes that have happened to stardoll lately...First it begun with the ending of the 1-stardollard-per-day campaign...Now non-ss can't collect money, because pay and earn's money lasts only 1 day.This means that, if you want to be a member of stardoll and actually PLAY, because that's what its made for, then you'll have to pay.

Then, when it comes to paying, this has changed too!In many countries, people used to pay with SMS and spend 2euros (that's for me) for 1 month of ss and 65 stardollars.Now with this money you can only buy 2 weeks!!!My sister asked me to buy her superstar yesterday and when I tolld her about the change, she simply said "I hate stardoll"

So listen to us stardoll!!We don't like you like this!!!You will keep losing members, and money if you conitnue!!If you can read this, then do something!Somenthing that will remind us of the GOOD you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yea shesright go jostickgirl

    u know who its from

