Tuesday 17 November 2009

Do It Like...LADY|GAGA

"Check out my shoes"

In this video, Lady Gaga shows us how much she loooves Alexander McQueen...And his shoes.I myslef see three different McQueen shoe pairs, although I thing there are more...But not soo... "Check me out".I mean, these shoes scream "Lady GaGA", they totaly fit her personality and her thirst for fame.

"Look me right in the eye"

There is one scene, where the Lady has sooo dark eyes!!!!!If you want this effect, here are some advices(and a suggestion, as always):
-Use fake eyebrows
-Use only black products in your eye
-Perhaps use a lipstick that will only make your eyes look darker

And now a suggestion

For this makeover I used all the black eye poducts, a blood-red lipstick and three different fake eyelashes sizes!!!lol

GaGa oolala!
Want your bad romance.

XOXO JoystickGirl

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