It was promised to you, and here it is!(sorry, but I'm clueless with pictures, so that why there's none here!)
Hello again fellow Stardollians. I am back with yet another interview with Royalty! This time, well, I’ll let you guess. She’s been covergirl, and she runs Suicide Awareness. Who is it? MissMackenzie07! Her real name is Mackenzie, Mack to her friends, she is a 17 year old girl from the “oh so sunny” Scotland, and Stardoll is her passion! This is the interview where she reveals all, so you don’t want to miss it!
Hi Mackenzie! You’ve been a member of Stardoll for two years. What’s the first thing you remember buying?
M: Jeez, tough question! I am pretty sure it was the Ripped Hipster Jeans or the Black One Shoulder Top. That was the time when there was only one shop!
That is long ago! You recently had your exams. How stressful was it, and did you do well?
M: They were awful, apart from Drama. I've had a tough year, which has meant that I’ve been missing a lot of work, so I am a bit gutted about that. I haven’t had all my results back yet, but I did well in Drama, which is really the only subject I am enjoying at the moment.
It must be hard to deal with the amount of guestbook comments and requests you get. Do you ever get tired of being popular?
M: Well, when I became covergirl, I found it really hard having to deny so many people. I still have that problem now. I feel guilty because I don't like not accepting people, but when people add me with fake compliments or asking for favours, or with no message, I really don't see any point in being that person’s friend. As I have always said, I want friends, not a friend list.
I agree. Every single one of your clubs is so popular too, which must attract some attention seekers and troublemakers. Is it hard keeping everything under control?
M: Well, if I'm honest, I would prefer my clubs to more active! I know that sounds so strange when you see the number of members in the clubs, but I actually prefer smaller clubs with dedicated members, like TheRealSA, than big clubs when only two people reply to topics.
So, if I’ve heard correctly, you run Suicide Awareness. What motivated you to start this amazingly successful and very, very important cause?
M: It's a very, very long story. I got bullied at school, and abused at home, since I can remember, which left me very alone and unable to make friends, since I couldn’t trust people enough to let them in. This lead to self harming and attempts at suicide. The whole time I just wanted someone to listen to me, who actually understood what I was going through. So when my boyfriend committed suicide 6 months ago, I found myself with only two options; to just hate everyone for what had happened, or to try and change what was happening. I threw myself into SA for a few months, but then Stardoll asked me to change the name. This really hurt the cause, and the supporters, since I spent so much money and time spread SuicideAwareness. When we changed to TheRealSA, no one really remembered who we were, so that was when, in real life, I kind of broke down, since all I really had at the time was SA.
Have you ever had any nasty comments or abuse from other members? What do you do to deal with it, and yet still stand tall and be the inspiration that you are today?
M: Thousands! When SA first started, so many people accused me of making it up, or doing it for popularity. It was horrible. I was really upset because I had opened up and told everyone my story, and a few people used that against me. Even today people accuse me of being a liar and a fake. I would say it is easier to deal with, but it really isn’t. If I'm honest, I have no idea how I managed to deal with all the crap! I guess when people leave nice comments it sort of makes up for the bad.
It’s quite a personal question, but have you ever had the sort of times when you’re deeply and truly depressed, not just a few days of feeling blue?
M: I have been diagnosed as depressed a few times in the past few years, and that was hard. Especially when you don’t have anyone to support you. It just makes things so much worse. Stardoll is sort of my escape. I can forget about all the real life stuff and just disconnect. It’s the same with music. That’s why I am permanently attached to my laptop!
Complete this sentence: Once upon a time…
M: …doesn’t exist!
Thank you so much for talking to me today! But one final question; do you see yourself giving up Stardoll anytime soon? And if you do, what will happen to everything you ever owned and loved?
M: For a few months I considered it. I was really unhappy, and there was nothing fun happening. But like I said, Stardoll is my only escape at the moment, so take this as a statement; MissMackenzie07 won’t by leaving anytime soon!
See what I mean about revealing all? That was quite an interview! Remember, if you are suffering from depression or someone you care about is, join TheRealSA. They have big discussions on how to deal with certain aspects of depression, and they may be able to help you understand your feelings. Also, if you are worried that you or your friend may have depression, go to the following link for symptoms of depression, or keep your eyes open for our report on depression that will be coming your way very soon.
Stay fabulous,